The newest Growing Your Relationship Seminar, Love of Self!
Growing Your Relationships 5, Love of Self: 2 Days, Online September 25-27, 2024, 9am-1pm Eastern/New York time Registration will open soon after the instructor training at the end of August.
Basic DNA Advanced DNA Dig Deeper You and The Creator (Growing Your Relationships 2)
When I first heard of this class it was a wonderful surprise and I knew it would be a very important class. Our most important relationship in life is with ourself, and there is powerful belief work in this course to remove blocks that have been in the way. Also there is new information regarding working on different conditions diagnosed by mental health providers. As ThetaHealers, we are never the ones to diagnose without medical or mental health degrees, however this class will give more clarity of help for clients that have certain diagnosis, or if you've been diagnosed yourself. This course focuses on dealing with and releasing trauma.
All LiveYourMiracles.com Seminar packages include reduced Earlybird registration on all future classes and ThetaHealing session Student rate, 60 min sessions at the 30 min session price.
Seminar Includes: Class manual
Tuition: Most likely, pricing will be similar to 2 day seminars that can be taught online. After I take the instructor seminar I will know the exact MAP (minimum advertised price, for the tuition amount) for this seminar. If the MAP is the same after the instructor class, I can guesstimate that my pricing would be 444 total, (deposit 40, tuition 404), for when I teach the class. After I get certified as an instructor I'll know what is the minimum tuition I'm required to charge, and I'll update here with the most up to date info as soon as I have it.
Reserve your space for the seminar with the deposit or paid in full options. If deposit is selected, the remainder is due before start time of the seminar or by the Earlybird deadline for the Earlybird rate. The deposit portion of seminar tuition goes towards reserving the class location and is non-refundable.
Please also register on the ThetaHealing.com website.
By purchasing a product or service on this website you agree to these terms and conditions of service.
I also want to pass on to you that upon return from North Carolina a few people (they didn't know where I was but noticed my absence) approached me. One stated "you look so healthy and relaxed", another one "you look so happy", and one exclaimed with total sincerity "you look younger, what did you do?". And I can confirm that upon returning and 'recovering' from the trip and letting the material settle in, that's exactly how I felt, and (mostly) still feel. R.D., PA, USA
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