Empowering you to experience the miracle of living your dreams
with ThetaHealing® Practitioner certification seminars

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Planes of Existence: In Person only, June 3-7, 2024, 10am -4pm in Greensboro, NC
Special reduced registration for Planes 1 (June 3-7) plus You and the Earth (June 1-2), $1588

If you haven't found the seminar you need at a convenient time, please contact me to request other dates. If you would like to host this class in your area in the US, and there are at least three students committed to taking the class, plus you can provide a quiet and comfortable class location, I can travel to you. Please contact me to schedule or for more information if you live outside the US.

Vianna says this is her favorite of all of her classes.
From Vianna's website:
The Planes of Existence is the wellspring of philosophy that is behind all the seminar and books of ThetaHealing®. By learning the structure of the Planes of Existence, Vianna was shown that it was possible to create new realities in this lifetime and why she was creating difficult situations in her life. The Planes of Existence Seminars is the quantum mechanics of metaphysics....

Through each of the Planes of Existence you experience a wealth of information and exercises that enhance each of the planes. As a student you will experience the connection of the Seventh Plane to the Creator of All That is, through the six plane learning about the wisdom of the laws and virtues, the 5th plane of angels and ascended masters, dimensions and alternate realities, to the fourth plane of the ancestors and learning, to the third plane of humans and why we do what we do, the second plane of the plants and their healing properties, and the first plane of the rocks and the Earth and Land records and start the process of developing your own self-mastery.

All LiveYourMiracles.com Seminar packages include reduced Earlybird registration on all future classes and ThetaHealing session Student rate, 60 min sessions at the 30 min session price.

Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing Seven Planes of Existence Book, Amazing local parks and places to interact with wonderful earth formations. animals and plants when we cover planes 1-3.

From left - right: Lower Falls trail, Hanging Rock State Park, Danbury, NC, Bur-Mil Park, Greensboro, NC,

Peacocks and Tigers are found at Greensboro Science Center, Greensboro, NC

Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and The Creator, Intuitive Anatomy *OR*
Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You and The Creator, You and Your Inner Circle, World Relations

Tuition: $1288 Early/Returning Student Registration with 30 days or more before class, $1377 with less than 30 days before class.

Reserve your space for the seminar with the deposit or paid in full options. If deposit is selected, the remainder is due before start time of the seminar or by the Earlybird deadline for the Earlybird rate. The deposit portion of seminar tuition goes towards reserving the class location and is non-refundable.
Please register here on the ThetaHealing.com website.

By purchasing a product or service on this website you agree to these terms and conditions of service.

Planes of Existence Practitioner Certification or Planes + You and Earth Scholarship pricing (please select correct choice from drop down menu)

I also want to pass on to you that upon return from North Carolina a few people (they didn't know where I was but noticed my absence) approached me. One stated "you look so healthy and relaxed", another one "you look so happy", and one exclaimed with total sincerity "you look younger, what did you do?". And I can confirm that upon returning and 'recovering' from the trip and letting the material settle in, that's exactly how I felt, and (mostly) still feel.

Click here for scholarship application
Click here to request a payment plan
Click here for teaching assistant application


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