Advanced DNA: Online June 30 - July 3, 2024, 1:30pm-5:30pm EST/New York time If you haven't found the seminars you want in a convenient time/place, feel free to contact me and request dates that work for you for the online or in person seminars.
(3 Days) Online classes will be done through Zoom. Login details are sent after registration and tuition payments are completed.
Advanced DNA is about learning how to work with each of the Planes of Existense through the Seventh Plane, including connecting with ancestors and angels. Building on the foundation of Basic DNA and expanding the knowledge.
Here's more from Vianna's website:
The Advanced ThetaHealing® Course expands the information in the Basic Seminar to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us.
The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back. The student will discover how to heal with the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises. The student will receive Feelings that are Downloaded from the Instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to them. This seminar is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings such as knowing how to appreciate the now and what self acceptance feels like from the Seventh Plane.
LiveYourMiracles.com Seminar packages include Earlybird reduced registration fees for all future classes and ThetaHealing session student rate, a 60 min session at the 30 min session price.
Seminar Includes: In person seminar- paperback copy of "Advanced ThetaHealing® All That Is" and printed ThetaHealing® Advanced Manual.
Online seminar- digital copies of the Advanced DNA manual are sent by email. For US online students, you can request either the paperback book or a $10 tuition credit if you have or will purchase the ebook in stead. Outside of the US, the options for the book are determined by what is translated or available in your country. Please be familiar with and be able to use Zoom audio and video at home and be sure to have the video on for the entire duration of class in order to be eligible for your certification.
Prerequisites: Basic DNA
Tuition: $444 Reduced Registration until 10 days before the start of the seminar, $494 Regular Registration with less than 10 days before the seminar.
If deposit is selected, the remainder is due before start time of the seminar.
Only select the "Recertification" option if you have already attended this seminar. If you have taken Basic DNA but not Advanced and need to recertify as a practitioner, you can recertify with this seminar instead of re-taking Basic DNA, but the tuition is the same because you have not already taken this class.
If you already have the Advanced ThetaHealing book please email me or put a note in the paypal checkout and you will get another one of Vianna's books instead of a duplicate book.
By purchasing a product or service on this website you agree to these terms and conditions of service.
Dear Naomi,
Thank you for your love, wisdom and support during the Rhythm Class.
It was amazing! I felt so safe and guided the entire time and was able to release deep subconscious beliefs, with ease and grace that were really important for me to work on.
With a laugh and a tear and so much relief, understanding, gratitude and kindness towards my physical body.
I highly recommend you as a Thetahealing Practioner and Teacher.
Thank you again so much!
M. M., Netherlands
I have had several classes with Naomi and she is a wonderful and inspiring teacher. I took the Intuitive anatomy class just recently and it was wonderful.
There was so much about the human body that I did not know besides all the healing. The course content was fantastic and I cleared so much during the
15 days of class it felt like I lost 15 pounds, I felt so light when I got home. The pace of the learning and days off were perfect to have time to process too.
I love her teaching style, and her support during and after class are fantastic. I would highly recommend and have recommended her to my friends for
these Classes and healings sessions too. R.M., South Carolina
After taking the Basic DNA course I went home to spend a few days with my parents. Normally when I'm home I get defensive, feel that I have to be on guard, and I can't really be myself. This time I was so present. I enjoyed my parents' company, and it was, by far, the best and least-draining trip home I've ever had. Everyone just seemed to be relaxed. What a beautiful thing! I credit this successful trip to the work I had just done with ThetaHealing. M. J. W., North Carolina
Hi Naomi, first I want to say thank you for the amazing 4 days of theta healing seminars that I feel transformed me personally and also transformed my private practice.... I feel like a completely different person! I just feel happier and freer and lighter and more joyful! And I have such a different perspective with my clients now! So thank you for your professional and generous work you did!! S. M., Connecticut
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  “®/TM: Trademarks of Nature Path, Inc.”